The Sports Rehabilitation Center welcomes you to our new website! We are committed to serving your needs through both highly skilled treatment and emphasis on education. As you can see from this site, we will provide you with all the necessary equipment and hands on care needed to get you back to your previous level of activity as safe and quickly as possibly. In addition, we will be providing free seminars in various topic areas including: runner’s clinic, ski injury prevention, tennis injury prevention, and a women’s health clinic.
Please visit our Events calendar to check any updates that may arise.
We hope you enjoy exploring the site and all that we have to offer at our multiple clinics. We hope that our improved site provides you with all of the necessary information and that you will choose us with all of your orthopaedic and sporting needs. Feel free to visit our Contact section to enter your information should you have any further questions, and one of our experts will be happy to work with you!