Guest Speakers Dr. Julien and Dr. Peebles as well as our expert staff discussing running injuries, prevention, and treatment. We will also have Big Peach discussing proper shoe wear and gift bag raffles from Lululemon! For more information and to sign up, please click here to contact us. Look forward to seeing you there!
The Sports Rehab Center is working with the Marcus Jewish Community Center to put on a FREE Tennis Clinic! This clinic will be held February 24th at 1:00pm at the JCC in Dunwoody. Topics to be discussed include warm-up techniques, common injuries and injury prevention. Tennis Director, Juan Arico, will be talking about mechanics and demonstrating different tennis drills. Please come dressed in athletic attire. This is a FREE clinic! Space is limited, so if you are interested in participating, please email us at
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Liz or Michelle at (770) 395-2643
If weather does not permit this clinic to be put on, the rain date will be April 14th at 10:30
Look forward to seeing you there!